Splošni pogoji poslovanja - General Terms and Conditions

Splošni pogoji poslovanja


Vsa dejavnost podjetja World Transport Overseas Slovenia d.o.o je  v   skladu z Splošnimi pogoji poslovanja mednarodnih podjetij  za logistiku in špedicijo v  Sloveniji.

World Transport Overseas Slovenia d.o.o neće deliti Vaše lične podatke trećim licima, osim ako nam Vi ne date dopuštenje za to.

World Transport Overseas Slovenia d.o.o ne posreduje Vaših osebnih  podatkov tretji  osebi brez vaše privolitve .


All business of World Transport Overseas Slovenia Ltd. shall be conducted in full accordance with General Conditions for Business Operations of International Logistics and Forwarding Companies of Serlovenia.


For World Transport Overseas Slovenia Ltd. personal data protection is of great importance. All personal data collected for the purpose of providing requested services will be treated in accordance with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


World Transport Overseas SLovenia Ltd. will not share your personal information with third parties unless we are given the permission to do so.